Smokin' Sidekick

Smokin' Sidekick
A New Era of Grilling

A New Era of Outdoor Grilling

The Smokin' Sidekick turns an ordinary sideburner into a smoker, roaster, steamer, baker, or warming oven. This unique and revolutionary product allows you to fulfill your sideburner's potential.


Smokin’ Garlic

Select large, firm bulbs of fresh garlic. Cut off tops and brush off excess skin around outside. Drizzle with olive oil or dot with butter. Remove the water tray at add hickory wood chips to the chip tray. It takes very little wood to flavor garlic. Smoke at 225°F (110°C) for 1¾ hours or until soft to the touch. Serve warm with crackers or use as a flavoring in salsa, smoked vegetable puree or other dishes.

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